‘Tis The Season to be Generous & Jolly

Christmas is a very special time of year.  It’s also the perfect time to reflect, be appreciative and think of others who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Many Australians would agree with this. In fact, Christmas is the time of year that most Aussies will donate money to a charity. Research shows almost half of Australians (47%) plan on donating money to charity this Christmas, and this makes the festive season the optimal time for raising donations and making a real difference in our local community.

We are proud to say, that since 2014 our Imagine Childcare centres have participated in the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal or alternatively, have chosen a local charity to support. Each year, our childcare centres cherish this opportunity to link to their local community and have a positive impact on the network of families and charities close to ‘home’.

In November this year we kicked off the Imagine Childcare’s ‘Annual Christmas Food and Toy Drive’, by electing our chosen charities and establishing our donation hampers – ready for books, toys and non-perishable food items to be donated.

In addition to supporting the Salvation Army and the incredible work that they do, some of our Imagine Childcare centres opted to support their local not-for-profits including, Backpacks 4 SA Kids INC, My Friends’ Place, Ronald McDonald House, Foodbank Australia, Have a Little Hope, Food Care, SALT, Friends with Dignity and Quota to name a few.

With our long daycare centres located across Australia, including in Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, and all of them hosting their own Christmas Appeal, this presents an opportunity for the collective Imagine Childcare community to make a real difference.

Furthermore, our Annual Christmas Food and Toy Drive shows our commitment to educating children about contributing back to the community in which we live.  It provides a valuable opportunity to start and extend on conversations around being charitable and encourages gratitude and generosity.

At Imagine Childcare, we believe it’s never too early to start encouraging children to practice giving back to those who are in need. Fostering generosity, and teaching our little ones about the importance of charity at a young age, can empower them to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

If you are wondering how you can teach your little ones about charity, a great place to start is letting them see you drop money into charity boxes; asking them to help you pick out canned foods during a food drive; or bringing them along when you participate in fundraising events. These situations give you an opportunity to discuss why it’s important to give and how rewarding it can be.

If you are interested in participating in your local Imagine Childcare centre’s Christmas Appeal, there is still time for you to be involved. Donations and hampers are due to be collected by 12th December from all centres, so be quick!

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